Reference Library

Reference Library: links to our favourite & most utilised texts

We asked our consultant biostatisticians to recommend their most useful reference texts across specialised topics relating to their area of expertise. Topics and sub-topics include: General Biostatistics, Biostatistics for Epidemiology and Public Health, Clinical Trial Design and Analysis, Adaptive Clinical Trial Design, Advanced Biostatistical Methods for Pharmaceutical and Drug Development, Bayesian Methods, Bayesian Time Series, Bayesian Network Analysis, Bayesian Methods for Specialist Clinical Niches such as Orthodontics, Radiology & Oncology (among others), Complex Adaptive Systems for Biomedical and other applications. Click through to more info on each title. Many topics overlap. If you can’t find the right topic, get in touch to receive a recommendation in your clinical niche.

Biostatistics general

Data & analysis of Subgroups with Biopharmaceutical Applications; Ting, Cappelleri & Ho.
Advanced Survival Models; Legrand.
Economic Evaluation of Cancer Drugs Using Clinical Trial & Real-World Data; Khan, Crott & Bashir.
Using R for Biostatistics; MacFarland & Yates.
Signal Detection for Medical Scientists: Likelihood Ratio Test-based Methodology; Tiwari, Zalkikar & Huang.

Biostatistics for Epidemiology & Public Health

Biostatistics in Public Health Using STATA; Suarez, Perez, Noguerras & Moreno-Gorrin.
Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventative Medicine & Public Health; Elmore, Wild, Nelson & Katz.

Epidemiology & Biostatistics, an Introduction to Clinical Research; Kestenbaum.
Geospatial Health Data: Modelling and Visualisation with R-INLA and Shiny; Moraga.

For titles in Bayesian Epidemiology see below.

Clinical Trials Design & Analysis

Translational Medicine: strategies and statistical methods; Cosmatos and Chow.
Cancer Clinical Trials: current and controversial issues in design analysis; George, Wang and Pang.
Statistical Design and Analysis of Clinical Trials: principles and methods; Shih and Aisner.
Sample Size Calculations in Clinical Research (3rd Edition); Chow, Shao, Wang & Lokhnygina.
Biomarker Analysis in Clinical Trials with R; Rabbee.
Data and Safety Monitoring Comittees in Clinical Trials (Second Edition); Herson.
Bioequivalence and Statistics in Clinical Pharmacology (Second Edition); Patterson & Jones.
Dose Finding by the Continual Reassessment Method; Cheung.
Estimands, Estimators and Sensitivity Analysis in Clinical Trials; Mallinckrodt, Molenberghs, Lipkovich, Ratitch.

Adaptive Clinical Trials Design

Modern Adaptive Randomized Clinical Trials: Statistical and Practical Aspects; Sverdlov.
Introductory Adaptive Trial Designs: A Practical Guide with R; Chang.
Adaptive Design Theory and Implementation Using SAS & R; Chang.

Advanced biostatistical methods for Pharmaceutical and drug development

Bayesian Methods in Pharmaceutical Research; Lesaffre, Baio & Boulanger.
Platform Trials in Drug Development: Umbrella Trials and Basket Trials; Antonijevic & Beckman.
Multiple Testing Problems in Pharmaceutical Statistics; Dmitrienko, Tamhane & Bretz.

Bayesian methods

Bayesian Network analysis

Bayesian Networks with Examples in R (Second Edition); Scutari and Denis.
Bayesian Inference for Stochastic Processes; Broemeling.
Modelling and Reasoning with Bayesian Networks; Darwiche.

Bayesian methods for Epidemiology

Bayesian Methods in Epidemiology; Broemeling.

Bayesian Population Analysis Using WinBUGS: A Hierarchical Perspective; Kery & Schaub.
Bayesian Disease Mapping: Heirachical Modelling in Spatial Epidemiology; Lawson.

Biostatistics for Clinical Niche

Bayesian Analysis of Infectious Diseases: COVID-19 and Beyond; Broemeling.
Biostatistics for Oral Healthcare; Kim & Daley.
Biostatistics for Oncologists; Leonard & Sullivan.
Advanced Bayesian Methods for Medical Test Accuracy; Broemeling.
Biostatistics for Radiologists: Plannin, Performing and Writing a Radiology Study; Sardanelli & Leo.

Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS)

Evolution, Development and Complexity: Multiscale Evolutionary Models of Complex Adaptive Systems; Georgiev, Smart, Martinez & Price.
Handbook of Systems and Complexity in Health; Sturmberg & Martin.
Adaptive Networks: Theory, Models and Applications; Gross & Sayama.
An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms; Mitchell.

Signals and Boundaries: Building Blocks for Complex Adaptive Systems; Holland.

Just for fun…

Bayesian Probability for Babies; Chris Ferrie.
Neural Networks for Babies; Chris Ferrie & Dr Sarah Kaiser.
Pandemics for Babies; Chris Ferrie, Neal Goldstein & Joanna Suder.
Baby University Box set.
Baby Biochemist: DNA; Cara & Jon Florance

Blockchain for Babies; Chris Ferrie & Marco Tomamichel.